Monday, November 14, 2011

Toxicology & Pharmacology!

Last week I was on Toxicology and Pharmacology. We didn't really do a whole lot of clinical stuff so this will be a short one. Most of the time we were in the classroom (there were about 8 of us on the rotation) and we just went over different cases and the drugs and fluids you used in each case and why. We were in the pharmacy for a bit and got to make up solutions and actually made some pills (clavamox) which was interesting just to see how it's done. Finally the only other thing we did was go to the ASPCA animal poison control center which is in Urbana. This was pretty cool because it gets calls from the entire country and so we got to hear a lot of different cases people called in. This week I am on regulatory medicine (like USDA stuff) so will update again Friday!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


This past week I was on Small Animal Emergency Medicine. The ER at the vet school is open 24/7 but thankfully the second years only had to be there from 9-5 Monday through Friday. The week started out kind of slow and Monday I think we saw only one case the entire day. Then Tuesday we saw 4 different cases but unfortunately they all died:( The first one of the day was a dachshund that came in and it's heart stopped beating.. They did CPR for 15 minutes and actually brought it back. Then the poor thing's heart stopped beating again about 45 minutes later and that time the CPR was unsuccessful. Then there was a yorkie that had blasto (a fungal infection dogs get from the soil that is pretty prevalent in central illinois) and its' heart stopped beating and they did CPR and brought it back as well. But again after about an hour its' heart stopped again and they couldn't bring it back. Then there were a couple that had to be euthanized for one reason or another. Wednesday and Thursday were also pretty slow and just had a few cases like a dog with a broken ankle, a dog that needed a blood transfusion,etc..Friday was probably the busiest day they had the whole week. Their was one dog that came in because it had been vomiting intermittently for almost a year and then for the past three weeks started vomiting every time it ate (why the owner waited that long is beyond me). We did ultrasounds of the dog's abdomen and saw a big ball in it's stomach. The poor guy had had it in there for so long that it had caused physiologic changes to the stomach and was causing him to vomit. The owner refused to pay for the surgery though (which is a pretty simple and routine surgery) so they said she was going to relinquish it to the humane society:(.. Another case we had on Friday was a golden retriever that came in for trouble breathing and they found that it had air in it's chest (called a pneumothorax). They drew out air from both sides but then a couple hours later it had filled back up so they surgically places chest tubes in on each side that will continuously drain off the air until whatever is causing the leakage heals..Even though we weren't super busy this week though I still really liked this rotation. The faculty and residents in ER are all very nice and really into teaching so everytime we didn't really have anything to do they would go through different things with us which I really like. For example we spent a couple hours on EKG's so now I have a better understanding of them and am ahead compared to people who were not on the rotation this week. They also taught us to put in catheters, bandage, run PCV and TP tests (types of blood tests), and venipuncture. It feels nice to actually be able to start doing more of the hands on things! This coming week I am Pharmacology & Toxicology which isn't really in the clinic but I will update you all on what I actually do next week!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wildlife & Exotic Animal Medicine & Surgery!!

Hi everyone! This past week I was on wildlife and exotic medicine and surgery (aka WEAMS or Zoo med). It was sooo much fun!!!! I learned a lot and got to see a lot of interesting things. I'll basically tell you everything we saw each day (warning: this is going be a long one!). Monday we saw a 20 year old cockatiel for a routine physical exam. Some of the special instruments they have for checking out the exotic species are pretty neat. They have an endoscope that they use to look into the birds ears and nose and then into their mouth. They also have this special stethoscope that hooks up to the computer and records the heart beat. You can then play it back and are able to count how many beats per second in order to calculate the heart rate (which is like 200+ in birds!). The cockatiel was all normal so it was good to learn what things are supposed to be like/look like/hear like. Next we saw a rabbit that presented for an oral abscess. Again we were able to learn how to do a physical exam on them as well as some diagnostic testing to determine what the abscess was and how to treat it. After the little rabbit we saw an African Grey Parrot that came for a re-check. This patient had come in a few weeks before and was diagnosed with various nutritional deficiencies (one of the most common things they see in birds). Next we saw a Red Eared Slider (which is a type of turtle) for a routine physical exam. Again it was interesting to learn just the physical exam process because each of these species have various things that you want to check and various ways to check them. Then on to Tuesday....First we saw a rabbit who is actually owned by one of my classmates. He came in because he had a mass on his arm that had been growing and he seemed to have lost weight. They diagnosed the mass as just a malignant fibroma and the rabbit actually had good body condition so the little guy will be just fine! After that rabbit we had another one that we saw. He wasn't as lucky though. The poor guy had some inbreeding issues and his teeth were overgrown and not aligned right. We had to put him under anesthesia and extract all of his front incisors. It was really cool to watch though, especially since I had just been on dentistry so knew what they were doing and the whole process. After that rabbit, then we had another one come in lol (it was a bunny-filled day for sure). This rabbit came in because it had a yellow dot in it's eye. After the exotics vet looked at it then we went down to ophthalmology so they could take a better look at it with their special equipment. The yellow dot turned out to be an abscess in the eye due to this bacteria that rabbits sometimes get when they are born called encephalitozoon cuniculi. This bacteria is very hard to get rid of so the rabbits eventually develop cataracts most of the time. They sent this rabbit home on anti-inflammatories and antibiotics to hopefully get rid of the bacteria or at least slow down the cataract formation. The last patient we saw on Tuesday actually wasn't a rabbit lol, it was a Blue & Gold Macaw! This bird a couple months before had been attacked by a dog and came in with these huge wounds all over it's body. They bandaged them and put a collar on the bird which then preceded to rub it's collar so bad it got lacerations on it's neck. So then they had to stitch up his neck as well and put a different collar on him. So..he came in to get checked out and to hopefully at least get his collar off. The doctor was not happy though to see that the bird has re-opened his old wounds from the dog:/ So then we anesthetized the bird and they had to debride the wounds and bandage them all over again. He'll have to come back every week for another month to get the bandages changed a make sure he's not doing anymore damage to himself (I can't imagine how much the owners have spent on him so far:/..). On to Wednesday....well we didn't really do a lot this day. The fourth years and Dr. Welle (the vet that was our supervisor for the week) went to a zoo up by Chicago and we were not able to go so we just spent the day learning how to run various diagnostic tests from the technician. It was helpful and we'll have to know how to do those things eventually so we might as well learn sooner than later. We also looked at different slides of the various species under the microscope which I find interesting. Birds for example have nucleated red blood cells (every other species are non-nucleated) so when you first see them it's looks like something is very wrong when actually it's normal. So that was Wednesday in a nutshell. Thursday I think turned out to be my favorite day on this rotation!! We got to go to a zoo in Decatur with the fourth years and Dr. Welle. First we had to do annual physical exams on 3 Golden Lion Tamarins!! For each one we had to anesthetize them to do the physical, then they drew blood for bloodwork, then they took radiographs of them (they are so small so their entire body fit on one film), and finally they did some dental work on them (cleaned the teeth and then polished them). After the tamarins we looked at several bearded dragons. They were being donated to the zoo so had to have a complete physical exam, bloodwork and fecal in order for the zoo to accept them. After those bearded dragons then we looked at one of the bearded dragons that the zoo already had. It was about 12 years old and had stopped eating and really just was not acting right. After looking at him they decided to euthanize him because his quality of life just wasn't very good. Even though it was sad I'm glad I got to see it because i've never seen a reptile get euthanized before and I did not realize that it takes longer for them to die (even when giving to same dose you would give to a dog of equal to greater size). They also did this puffing up thing that would have probably freaked me out if I didn't know it was normal. So after that we went down and looked at one of their pygmy goats that had an abscess on the side of it's face. They drained the abscess and then just prescribed an antibiotic for it. While we were down by the goats though we got to see a bunch of little baby ones that were sooo cute. I will attach a picture of me holding one of them as well as some pictures of the tamarins! Finally, the last thing we saw at the zoo was a 1 year old wolf named Tilly. She was hand raised and basically thinks she's a dog lol. When we walked up the the cage she just started whining and whining because she wanted people to come pet her. Then when the Dr. Welle went into the cage to give her her vaccinations (which is all she needed done) she rolled over and wanted him to pet her belly haha. She was super cute and I got a picture of her as well that I will post. Finally on to Friday...One of the first patients we saw was a baby Cockatoo who was actually born on my birthday:) Apparently young cockatoos absolutely love people and cuddling! This cockatoo had come in previously for a regular check-up and they found a granuloma (mass) on her neck. They had drained it and put her on a few medications. The doctor said that it was a lot smaller this time which is a good sign. They drew blood work to see if her cell counts have improved and then decided to continue her on two of the medications for another week and then they are going to re-check her again. After that we had another African Grey parrot. This one had come in previously for a vent infection. It still appeared swollen and irritated so we anesthetized it and did several biopsies of the inflamed site and sent the sample for culture and histopathology. By the way I should mention that we saw a lot of birds this week because the doctor that was on (Dr. Welle) is the only avian certified veterinarian in Illinois (meaning he had to pass a special board exam for specifically specializing in avian species). Next we had a Coati come in from the zoo that we had actually been to Thursday. The Coati named Yahtzee was fine Thursday and then Friday morning she wouldn't eat and seemed very lethargic so they brought her in. We had to anesthetize her and then we took radiographs of her and ran bloodwork. They just found that she had some kind of infection so they injected her with a long-acting antibiotic and then will re-check her next week. Finally the last case we saw was a little rabbit that came in because it had been excessively producing tears in it's right eye. We learned that rabbits tend to get clogged nasolacrimal ducts (duct that drains tears from your eyes and then goes out your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry by the way).  Basically they get clogged in rabbits and you can flush them out or they get blocked because their teeth roots grow up really long and push on the duct closing it. Either way this really isn't a serious problem and doesn't require treatment, The owners wanted to do radiographs still just in case so we had to anesthetize the rabbit and then took radiographs of it's head. Indeed it was just the tooth roots that were pushing against the duct and blocking it. They could remove the teeth but since the excessive tear production isn't really a problem there is really no reason to so the bunny went home just as it came in. And that's about it for my rotation this past week. Sorry this was a long one but I think a lot of the things we saw were interesting and Dr. Welle actually taught us a lot of things (which I didn't share most on here because it would have been a novel lol). This week I am on ER! Again I will kind of recap the week next Friday for all of you. Until then I hope you all have a happy & safe Halloween:)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hi! The first quarter is now over, after some brutal finals I might add. Most of last week I studied over 12 hours a day and then took our day 1 final on Thursday and the day 2 final on Friday. We got our grades back and I did better than average so overall I was pleased. Now the fun stuff begins!! We started clinical rotations on Monday and each week we will be on a different rotation. This week I was on dentistry (thus the title of this post lol). This is the least time consuming rotation (9am-noon) so I had a lot of time this week to rest up and get over the cold I've had since before finals. Even though we have only had to be there a few hours each day though, we have gotten to learn to a lot! Monday we just had lectures and learned about periodontal disease and other common dental problems that are encountered in veterinary medicine (by the way, periodontal disease is the most common disease affecting older dogs and cats!). Tuesday we got to do simple extractions, multi-rooted extractions and surgical extractions on canine cadavers. My cadaver dog actually had a few supernumerary teeth (extra teeth) so I got to extract more than the other students. It was a little more complicated but at least now i'll be better prepared if I encounter that in a future patient. I also now realize why it is so painful to get your wisdom teeth out!! Man on man did I have to use a lot of force. I'm glad he dog was just a cadaver because he would have been veryyy sore when he woke up. Wednesday we got to do dental radiographs. We had to learn all the different shots that they do and then put them in a model which had them lined up as if you're looking at the mouth as a whole. I will try to attach it so you can see. It definitely took a lot of practicing to get the right shots and understand how you have to position the patient and the radiograph tube. They use digital radiography which is nice because you can look at an image seconds after taking it so then it's easier to fix right away to get the proper shot. Then yesterday we just had a lecture about canine and feline dental pathology. And finally today we are practicing doing a simple dental exam on patients (Raji is the perfect patient for this by the way!). Overall, I really really enjoyed this rotation and learned a lot, especially how serious dentistry needs to be pushed in veterinary medicine. Next week I have Wildlife and Exotic Medicine & Surgery so I will tell you all about that next Friday! Have a good weekend everybody:)


Sunday, September 25, 2011

7/8 of the way done with second year!

I know the blog hasn't been very exciting this year so far lol. We have just been very busy with classes. Our midterms were last week and they were extremely stressful. Someone calculated it out and we had like 94 hours worth of class in 3.5 weeks on a two-day test (and in undergrad we only had like 50 hours in 16 weeks:/)...butt these second 4 weeks are a somewhat lighter load so hopefully finals won't be as stressful. The froggies are still doing good. I started doing the tadpoles on the weekends too (because the normal person who took care of them quit) so I have been a little busier with work too. Other than that these first 4 weeks have been pretty uneventful. We did get our rotation schedule for the second 8 weeks of this semester and I am veryyy excited!! Here's what I will be doing: Dentistry, Wildlife & Exotic Medicine and Surgery, Small Animal Emergency Medicine, Clinical Toxicology & Pharmacology, Regulatory Medicine, Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, and Imaging! I know I will really enjoy almost all of those so that is what I will be looking forward to the next 4 weeks. Guess that's about it for now!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Second Year!!

It's been a while!! I hope everyone had a good summer..I know mine was very relaxing! Today was our first day back at school so i'm officially a second-year vet student. We haven't really done much yet lol but I wanted to let everyone know that the first day went well. I also found out I got on the Dean's List last semester so that was a good way to start the morning. Other than that it's been a pretty uneventful day. I'm sure future posts will be a little longer and more exciting:) Goodnight everyone!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

25% veterinarian

Well I am now 1/4 of the way done with vet school!! If the next 3 years go by this quickly I'll be a vet in no time!! The last couple of weeks were really busy with studying and work and running 2 half-marathons (one in champaign & one in quincy). Our finals covered a lot of material dealing with the kidneys and the brain. On our Day 2 for example, we were given a scenario of a dog coming into the clinic presenting with certain problems and we had to do a full cranial nerve exam/say what we were doing and what we were testing and everything. Interesting but a little difficult. Overall I think I did pretty well on all parts of the finals. Now I am back in quincy for the weekend then heading back to champaign. I'll continue working with the frogs and Purina throughout the summer and am also trying to find a job at a clinic to gain more experience. I probably will not post during the summer (unless I see a lot of interesting things in either of my job) so I will talk to you all again in August when i'm a 2nd year!!!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

almost done!!

I'm almost done with my first year woo woo!!!! We just got back the grades for our midterms (I did very well!)..Now we have moved on to renal physiology (the kidney). It's very complex/now I realize why your kidneys are so important/it's actually very interesting. It would be really hard too but our professor is amazing!!! He teaches at the medical school as well & is very good at making sure we understand all the concepts before moving on to new ones. We have also been learning about the head in anatomy and neurobiology. I know we are supposed to do no harm to animals but it was kind of cool cutting off the heads of our cadavers and dissecting them:) My favorite part was the eyeball. I literally got to cut eyeballs in half and see all the aqueous jelly-like substance in the middle and then I held the lens in my hand!!! Ok, so that might sound disgusting to some people but I found it to be realllllly cool. The inside of the eyes in animals are really pretty too! They have blue and green iridescent colors on the inside and that's what you see when their eyes "glow" in the dark...Besides class, I have just been training for my half-marathon (which is this saturday!!). We also have a wildlife clinic at school that students can sign up to help with in the beginning of the year. I didn't do it this year because I wasn't sure how much time I would have. My friends Ashley & Kim did it though and I went with them today just to help out. We had to feed baby raccoons! They were soooooo cute. They look like cute little fuzzy puppies. I almost wanted to take one home but realized that one animal is probably enough for now, right mom and dad;) Ok well I guess that's it for now, back to studying!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

busy, busy, busy

Well this has certainly been a busy week. We had class basically 8-5 everyday with a quiz Wednesday morning. Again, this stuff is basically all a review at least so it is not that difficult. I also finished training for the frog job and did it the first time by myself Friday. I started the Purina job Wednesday too so now am doing that about once or twice a week (usually people pick up their food once a week & I get a shipment in/have to put it away once a week). Then Thursday night we had our "Vetscapades" which is basically a night where vet students from all classes do skits/songs/presentations that are making fun of different things that are vet school related. It was a nice break and nice to have all the classes together (and they also served really good food!). Finally, this morning I went on a trip with the Non-Traditional Species club to the Exotic Feline Rescue in Centerpoint, Indiana. They have over 200 tigers & lions so it was really cool to see all of them (even in the rain lol). I am posting some of the pictures I took so you can see the beautiful animals! Guess that's it for now:)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Frog job!

I got a job at the medical sciences lab working with/caring for their research jobs. I started training this week! It's actually kind of fun. I just have to change out their water and switch them over to new tanks but it is quite amusing trying to catch the little slippery suckers (they're aquatic frogs). If you google "Xenopus frogs" you can see what they look like. Also I set up my first mating with them last night, for that I had to pick out a male and female and give them both an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). I think that part will definitely help me improve my skills in giving IV injections etc. because the space that I have to give it in is a lot smaller than on a dog or cat & like I said they are very slippery little things lol. In terms of school, we're still learning about reproduction and nutrition so it's actually been pretty easy which is nice. We also had our "Vet Med Olympics" this week. I was the coach of the tug-of-war team for the first years. I had to play today because we were short people, I don't think I really helped all that much though lol. Our team ended up getting last but it was a lot of fun (especially our match against the faculty). I think that's all about it for now! Back to studying:)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

time flies..

It's crazy how quickly this year has gone by! We just finished out third quarter Friday and started our fourth quarter on Monday. In just a few short weeks i'll be done with my first year of veterinary school!! This quarter we are learning about reproduction (physiology, histology and anatomy), nutrition, and renal aka kidney (physiology, histology and anatomy). I'm actually looking forward to this quarter because it will probably be my easiest one. They said if you went to undergrad here and took reproduction (which I took two classes) then you already know everything plus more. Also, our nutrition teacher is the same teacher I had for companion animal nutrition last year and he said it's basically the exact same class. So...hopefully it will be less stressful lol. I know my dad knows, but my computer didn't work wednesday when I went to study for my final thursday and I just about lost it. Thankfully my awesome dad knew how to fix it!! more day of class and then spring break! Oh & Happy St. Patrick's Day:)


Friday, February 25, 2011


Hiee! So in terms of class this week we have just been learning more about the different gastrointestinal system and more about the respiratory system. We have a quiz monday that I will be studying all weekend for. We did have more interesting anatomy labs this week though. We have been doing palpation (which is feeling basically) on the resident horses and cows. Basically, we have to know where all of the organs are in the animal from the outside which makes sense when you're going to be opening them up to do different surgeries etc.. What I have been most excited about this week though is my new dog!!!!! I have been telling my friends the entire year that I want my first dog to be a tri-color collie since that was they very first dog I ever had. I also said that I wanted to adopt one though since I feel bad for all of the shelter animals that need homes. Then last week a tri-color collie came into the junior surgery!!!! (the juniors do all their spays and neuters on the shelter animals, that way they get spayed/neutered for free before they are adopted). He was perfect ad I had to have him!!! I am very thankful that my parents allowed me to get him:) If I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will. His name is Faraji which means comfort but we're calling him Raji for short. We brought him home yesterday to my friend Ashley & Kim's place, that's where he is staying. He is absolutely the sweetest dog I have ever seen and he is probably a perfect dog to have for vet school because he is very calm and just sits there while we study. So now I have a little friend to comfort me when i'm tired of studying/be a constant reminder of why I'm in vet school :-D Guess that's it for now! Back to class!


Friday, February 18, 2011

my least favorite thing in vet school...

So I think I experienced this week what's probably going to be one of my least favorite things in vet school....the gastrointestinal track:/ Although it is interesting how complex it is and how different the cow and horse GI tract are, it is not interesting when you have to dissect the GI tracts in anatomy lab. First of all they were fresh GI tracts and they were huge!!!! Secondly, they were not cleaned out (to put it nicely). It definitely did not smell very good and we tried to get the few guys to basically do it all lol. Other than that, this week we have just been learning more about the respiratory system and then we started the histology and physiology of the GI tract to go along with what we're learning in anatomy. I know I already told my mom and dad but for whoever else is reading I got my midterm grades back! I got 103.3 on the histology part, 95 on the anatomy part and 95 on the day 1 test!!! We haven't gotten our day 2 grades yet but I'm confident I did just as well on it as I did on the other portions. It's definitely nice to know that I understand this stuff and am good at it! Now I am looking forward to the weekend because i'm pet-sitting for a third-year vet student! The CVMF offers free pet-sitting and then people just make donations towards the mission trips we take. I will be watching an australian shepherd, a black cat, and some fish! I plan to take full advantage of having a dog to play with/cuddle with haha. Guess that's it for now. Back to class!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Study or watch the superbowl?!?

Ok, so that's not really even a question...studying it is! We have midterms this week so studying is all that i've been doing this weekend, plus i'm not realy a big fan of either of the teams in the superbowl this year so I'm not really interested in watching it lol. I know I told my dad, but for everyone else reading this I got a 95% on my quiz last week! The things we are learning about right now kind of click with me so I'm expecting to do just as well on the midterms this week! It's going to be over all of the cardiology stuff we have learned plus now we are learning about the respiratory system! I never realized how complicated breathing is haha. I find it interesting though and now I actually know what my Albuterol inhaler does (it blocks the Beta-2 receptors in my lungs which then causes dilation of the bronchioles/airways!). Plus in anatomy lab we got to take the lungs out of our cadavers and cut through them to see what the lungs look like on the inside (looks exactly like a sponge!) and then we got to hook them up to oxygen and see what it looks like when they expand! I guess it's good I am easily fascinated by these kinds of things lol. Hmm what else has happened?!.. I spent the night at my friends Ashley & Kim's apartment on tuesday night (well I got snowed in and didn't really have a choice) and then we didn't have school the next day!! They said U of I has only had 6 snow days in the last like 40 years or something and now I've been here for 3 of them!! Unfortunately, Ashley and Kim have two cats so it kind of triggered my asthma which then turned into a cold so I have been taking medicine and trying not to get too sick while i'm doing all this studying. Well I guess that's it for now..hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday & staying warm!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just checking in again..I haven't really done anything interesting since my last post. Just more learning in class and studying about the heart, respiratory system, and more neurobiology.  I am the new Treasurer and social event planner for Christian Veterinary Missions Fellowship though! This is one of the clubs I got involved in this year. We have weekly bible studies during our lunch break and then every summer they go on a missions trip that is veterinary related (which I'm not going on this summer, but maybe next year!). Also something that is not vet related, I registered for the Illinois half-marathon! It is April 30 and is here in Champaign. There is a big group of us students that are running it so it should be a good time. Well I guess that's it for now. Sorry this one is so short lol.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Study break!

I'm in the middle of studying and thought I would take a litle break! There's not really that much to update on excecpt I had this awesome reptile necropsy lab yesterday! It was voluntary and with the non-traditional species club. A former student who now works in Chicago brought down all sorts of different snake, lizards, turtles etc.. It's actually kind of sad where he got them from:( He said a pet shop has received this order of like 180 reptiles and the owner left them in the boxes they were shipped in for 2 weeks! One of the employees smelled them and called the authorities. Only 1 out of all those reptiles survived:( ...Anyways, I got to dissect a bullsnake, some kind of turtle & a baby alligator!!! It was sooo cute (even though it was dead). I have a picture with it on my friends phone and will post it whenever she sends it to me! It was one of the sickest but coolest things I have done. They definitely did not smell very good but I learned a lot. And when we opened up our baby alligator's stomach there was an entire big rat!!! Cool right?!
Oh, another interesting thing I got to do was dissect hearts in anatomy lab today. They were real fresh hearts! I'm pretty sure the animals died from something naturally because one of our hearts had heartworms in it!! (ok that was kind of disgusting). It was cool though to hold a little heart in your hand and dissect it and see how complicated everything in it is!
Ok well I think that's my last interesting story for now..back to studying!

Friday, January 21, 2011

First blog!

Sooo I've never had a blog before but I figured it would be an easy way for my family and friends to keep up to date with all the fascinating things I've been learning. Feel free to comment or ask questions!

Let's see...I successfully finished my first semester of vet school! I really didn't think it was as bad as some people make it seem. I mean, I did study on average like 4 hours a night..every night! I guess I don't mind studying all that much though. I would definitely rather be studying than sitting at home with nothing to do but watch tv (which I caught up on over Xmas break lol). Anyways, I am grateful that I did well last semester. I just heard today that there were 3 people who could not continue because they did not pass last semester:/

So now we are starting the second semester. So far we've been learning about the heart A LOT:) This week consisted of physiology of the heart (like 6 hours of lecture), histology of the heart, anatomy (neck, back and thorax), and then some very complicated pharmacology. As of now I am completely caught up on all the studying! Don't be fooled though, there will still be at least 4 hours of studying saturday and sunday.

Well I guess that's about it for now. Oh and I got to crack ribs today in anatomy lab!! Literally, we had to open up our dog's ribs and I had the honor of cracking each one (which sounded like cracking open crab legs lol). Ok well I guess now that's it! byee:)