Thursday, March 17, 2011

time flies..

It's crazy how quickly this year has gone by! We just finished out third quarter Friday and started our fourth quarter on Monday. In just a few short weeks i'll be done with my first year of veterinary school!! This quarter we are learning about reproduction (physiology, histology and anatomy), nutrition, and renal aka kidney (physiology, histology and anatomy). I'm actually looking forward to this quarter because it will probably be my easiest one. They said if you went to undergrad here and took reproduction (which I took two classes) then you already know everything plus more. Also, our nutrition teacher is the same teacher I had for companion animal nutrition last year and he said it's basically the exact same class. So...hopefully it will be less stressful lol. I know my dad knows, but my computer didn't work wednesday when I went to study for my final thursday and I just about lost it. Thankfully my awesome dad knew how to fix it!! more day of class and then spring break! Oh & Happy St. Patrick's Day:)


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