Thursday, March 31, 2011

Frog job!

I got a job at the medical sciences lab working with/caring for their research jobs. I started training this week! It's actually kind of fun. I just have to change out their water and switch them over to new tanks but it is quite amusing trying to catch the little slippery suckers (they're aquatic frogs). If you google "Xenopus frogs" you can see what they look like. Also I set up my first mating with them last night, for that I had to pick out a male and female and give them both an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). I think that part will definitely help me improve my skills in giving IV injections etc. because the space that I have to give it in is a lot smaller than on a dog or cat & like I said they are very slippery little things lol. In terms of school, we're still learning about reproduction and nutrition so it's actually been pretty easy which is nice. We also had our "Vet Med Olympics" this week. I was the coach of the tug-of-war team for the first years. I had to play today because we were short people, I don't think I really helped all that much though lol. Our team ended up getting last but it was a lot of fun (especially our match against the faculty). I think that's all about it for now! Back to studying:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiira! I've been "following" but not posting comments - but enjoying your blog :) I had to spend extra time working on starting IV's when I was in nursing school -- but did well eventually - esp working with chemotherapy pts.... Your nutrition and repro classes remind me of my work with my NFP clients -- esp one now who probably needs HcG! :)
    Keep working and praying hard! :) Love and Prayers, Aunt Kaylene
