Friday, January 21, 2011

First blog!

Sooo I've never had a blog before but I figured it would be an easy way for my family and friends to keep up to date with all the fascinating things I've been learning. Feel free to comment or ask questions!

Let's see...I successfully finished my first semester of vet school! I really didn't think it was as bad as some people make it seem. I mean, I did study on average like 4 hours a night..every night! I guess I don't mind studying all that much though. I would definitely rather be studying than sitting at home with nothing to do but watch tv (which I caught up on over Xmas break lol). Anyways, I am grateful that I did well last semester. I just heard today that there were 3 people who could not continue because they did not pass last semester:/

So now we are starting the second semester. So far we've been learning about the heart A LOT:) This week consisted of physiology of the heart (like 6 hours of lecture), histology of the heart, anatomy (neck, back and thorax), and then some very complicated pharmacology. As of now I am completely caught up on all the studying! Don't be fooled though, there will still be at least 4 hours of studying saturday and sunday.

Well I guess that's about it for now. Oh and I got to crack ribs today in anatomy lab!! Literally, we had to open up our dog's ribs and I had the honor of cracking each one (which sounded like cracking open crab legs lol). Ok well I guess now that's it! byee:)

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