Thursday, April 28, 2011

almost done!!

I'm almost done with my first year woo woo!!!! We just got back the grades for our midterms (I did very well!)..Now we have moved on to renal physiology (the kidney). It's very complex/now I realize why your kidneys are so important/it's actually very interesting. It would be really hard too but our professor is amazing!!! He teaches at the medical school as well & is very good at making sure we understand all the concepts before moving on to new ones. We have also been learning about the head in anatomy and neurobiology. I know we are supposed to do no harm to animals but it was kind of cool cutting off the heads of our cadavers and dissecting them:) My favorite part was the eyeball. I literally got to cut eyeballs in half and see all the aqueous jelly-like substance in the middle and then I held the lens in my hand!!! Ok, so that might sound disgusting to some people but I found it to be realllllly cool. The inside of the eyes in animals are really pretty too! They have blue and green iridescent colors on the inside and that's what you see when their eyes "glow" in the dark...Besides class, I have just been training for my half-marathon (which is this saturday!!). We also have a wildlife clinic at school that students can sign up to help with in the beginning of the year. I didn't do it this year because I wasn't sure how much time I would have. My friends Ashley & Kim did it though and I went with them today just to help out. We had to feed baby raccoons! They were soooooo cute. They look like cute little fuzzy puppies. I almost wanted to take one home but realized that one animal is probably enough for now, right mom and dad;) Ok well I guess that's it for now, back to studying!

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