Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just checking in again..I haven't really done anything interesting since my last post. Just more learning in class and studying about the heart, respiratory system, and more neurobiology.  I am the new Treasurer and social event planner for Christian Veterinary Missions Fellowship though! This is one of the clubs I got involved in this year. We have weekly bible studies during our lunch break and then every summer they go on a missions trip that is veterinary related (which I'm not going on this summer, but maybe next year!). Also something that is not vet related, I registered for the Illinois half-marathon! It is April 30 and is here in Champaign. There is a big group of us students that are running it so it should be a good time. Well I guess that's it for now. Sorry this one is so short lol.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Study break!

I'm in the middle of studying and thought I would take a litle break! There's not really that much to update on excecpt I had this awesome reptile necropsy lab yesterday! It was voluntary and with the non-traditional species club. A former student who now works in Chicago brought down all sorts of different snake, lizards, turtles etc.. It's actually kind of sad where he got them from:( He said a pet shop has received this order of like 180 reptiles and the owner left them in the boxes they were shipped in for 2 weeks! One of the employees smelled them and called the authorities. Only 1 out of all those reptiles survived:( ...Anyways, I got to dissect a bullsnake, some kind of turtle & a baby alligator!!! It was sooo cute (even though it was dead). I have a picture with it on my friends phone and will post it whenever she sends it to me! It was one of the sickest but coolest things I have done. They definitely did not smell very good but I learned a lot. And when we opened up our baby alligator's stomach there was an entire big rat!!! Cool right?!
Oh, another interesting thing I got to do was dissect hearts in anatomy lab today. They were real fresh hearts! I'm pretty sure the animals died from something naturally because one of our hearts had heartworms in it!! (ok that was kind of disgusting). It was cool though to hold a little heart in your hand and dissect it and see how complicated everything in it is!
Ok well I think that's my last interesting story for now..back to studying!

Friday, January 21, 2011

First blog!

Sooo I've never had a blog before but I figured it would be an easy way for my family and friends to keep up to date with all the fascinating things I've been learning. Feel free to comment or ask questions!

Let's see...I successfully finished my first semester of vet school! I really didn't think it was as bad as some people make it seem. I mean, I did study on average like 4 hours a night..every night! I guess I don't mind studying all that much though. I would definitely rather be studying than sitting at home with nothing to do but watch tv (which I caught up on over Xmas break lol). Anyways, I am grateful that I did well last semester. I just heard today that there were 3 people who could not continue because they did not pass last semester:/

So now we are starting the second semester. So far we've been learning about the heart A LOT:) This week consisted of physiology of the heart (like 6 hours of lecture), histology of the heart, anatomy (neck, back and thorax), and then some very complicated pharmacology. As of now I am completely caught up on all the studying! Don't be fooled though, there will still be at least 4 hours of studying saturday and sunday.

Well I guess that's about it for now. Oh and I got to crack ribs today in anatomy lab!! Literally, we had to open up our dog's ribs and I had the honor of cracking each one (which sounded like cracking open crab legs lol). Ok well I guess now that's it! byee:)